ニュース NEWS Our paper “Multi-task Curriculum Learning based on Gradient Similarity” (H. Igarashi, et al.) has been presented in BMVC2022. 12/07/202202/07/2023 Our paper titled “Informative Sample-Aware Proxy for Deep Metric Learning” (Aoyu Li, et al.) has been accepted to ACM Multimedia Asia 2022! 11/21/202202/08/2023 MIRU2022において山田さんがMIRU長尾賞を,澁谷さんがMIRUインタラクティブ発表賞を受賞しました.https://sites.google.com/view/miru2022/home/award 07/29/202202/08/2023 Our paper is accepted to ECCV2022. 07/04/202202/08/2023 MIRU2022企業企画イベント登録フォームを公開しました. 06/28/202202/08/2023 Two papers are accepted to ICML2022. 05/15/202202/08/2023 Prof. Kawakami moves to School of Engineering, Tokyo Tech from April, 2022! 03/28/202202/08/2023 Our paper is posted on arxiv. 03/28/202202/08/2023 The 4th joint research workshop of Tokyo Tech and Denso IT Laboratory was held. 03/15/202202/08/2023 Our paper has been accepted to NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Distribution Shifts 高山さん,佐藤先生,鈴木さん,川上先生,宇都先生,篠田先生の論文がNeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Di… 10/27/202102/08/2023 ← 前へ 1 … 3 4 5 6 次へ →
ニュース NEWS Our paper “Multi-task Curriculum Learning based on Gradient Similarity” (H. Igarashi, et al.) has been presented in BMVC2022. 12/07/202202/07/2023 Our paper titled “Informative Sample-Aware Proxy for Deep Metric Learning” (Aoyu Li, et al.) has been accepted to ACM Multimedia Asia 2022! 11/21/202202/08/2023 MIRU2022において山田さんがMIRU長尾賞を,澁谷さんがMIRUインタラクティブ発表賞を受賞しました.https://sites.google.com/view/miru2022/home/award 07/29/202202/08/2023 Our paper is accepted to ECCV2022. 07/04/202202/08/2023 MIRU2022企業企画イベント登録フォームを公開しました. 06/28/202202/08/2023 Two papers are accepted to ICML2022. 05/15/202202/08/2023 Prof. Kawakami moves to School of Engineering, Tokyo Tech from April, 2022! 03/28/202202/08/2023 Our paper is posted on arxiv. 03/28/202202/08/2023 The 4th joint research workshop of Tokyo Tech and Denso IT Laboratory was held. 03/15/202202/08/2023 Our paper has been accepted to NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Distribution Shifts 高山さん,佐藤先生,鈴木さん,川上先生,宇都先生,篠田先生の論文がNeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Di… 10/27/202102/08/2023 ← 前へ 1 … 3 4 5 6 次へ →
Our paper “Multi-task Curriculum Learning based on Gradient Similarity” (H. Igarashi, et al.) has been presented in BMVC2022. 12/07/202202/07/2023
Our paper titled “Informative Sample-Aware Proxy for Deep Metric Learning” (Aoyu Li, et al.) has been accepted to ACM Multimedia Asia 2022! 11/21/202202/08/2023
MIRU2022において山田さんがMIRU長尾賞を,澁谷さんがMIRUインタラクティブ発表賞を受賞しました.https://sites.google.com/view/miru2022/home/award 07/29/202202/08/2023
Our paper has been accepted to NeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Distribution Shifts 高山さん,佐藤先生,鈴木さん,川上先生,宇都先生,篠田先生の論文がNeurIPS 2021 Workshop on Di… 10/27/202102/08/2023